How to Stay Creative in Difficult Times

Have you ever had to pitch new ideas while freaking out over paying the rent? Write an article or book while dealing with health issues? Or simply tried keeping your art or creative business going while there is a global pandemic raging? Maybe you’re dealing with

2021 marks my 10-year anniversary of being self-employed as a creative and having gone through major ups and downs with a few relocations to other countries thrown in, I felt that I may have a few tools and strategies to share in the hope that it will help others.

I have created a free mini email course entitled “How to stay creative when going through difficult times” and you can get it simply by signing up to my newsletter.

© Julia Joppen

© Julia Joppen

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.
— Confucious


“How to stay creative when going through a difficult time”

Strategies for creative survival when things hit the fan.

How do you stay sane and productive when you’re broke, sick, burnt out or experience a change or a loss of any kind (let’s not forget global pandemics). In this little course, my first one, I pour all my experience and everything that has worked for me and others in a crisis. It’s aimed mainly at freelancers, artists and solopreneurs and people working in the creative industries.

You will receive an email with access to a recorded online webinar-style presentation and a workbook with real-life, actionable ideas to help you get through what can be a paralysing time while still doing creative work.

It’s not long, you can get through it on a quiet evening with a glass of wine or cup of tea :)

If this is something that interests you, then please sign up for my newsletter and you will get the download link automatically. I think you will like it.

Update 2024: I am working on an updated version, please send me a message if you’d like to be notified when this launches.

Have any particular questions or topics you would like to see covered?
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